Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I now use and recommend iDictate for all my transcription needs.

I recently completed a 30 hour Mobile marketing webinar series for a large marketing association. They had promised their members transcripts of every word I spoke during these live trainings. I assumed this association had a good transcription service at-hand and agreed to proof the transcripts when done. OMG! Upon receiving the files I found myself in proofing-hell; one of every 10 transcribed words was unrecognizable... for crying out loud, if anyone read this transcript, they'd think English was my second or third language; even my name was misspelled.

I quickly convinced this client to switch to iDictate. In short order this massive transcription project was delivered almost flawless... even my Uhms and Ahs were removed. I now use and recommend iDictate for all my transcription needs.

Dan Hollings
Internet & Mobile Marketing Strategist

1 comment:

  1. I also like transcription services because it make very easy to keep record of every conversation,interview,conference etc.I am impressed by Audio Transcription Services,digital transcription services and interviewtranscription services.
